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KayiScgs '07 UNSW foundation '08 24th December 1991 Links
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1 Courage 2004
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Wednesday, August 31, 2005
hahah.today was a totally great and funnaye day. i think aces day was fun this year. yeah! hahah. its a pun. see my lit is so damn good k. teacher's day was really really chaotic lah. the staff room was damn crowded. :p sc concert was okay. the stupid pillar was blocking me and aileen's view lah. hahah. anyway after that met devi. at the middle of the platform. ahhaha. then yanglin was like at the passenger service. and xinyu and yvonne were NOWHERE TO BE SEEN LAH. the idiots dont know where they were waiting. anyway yvonne tan's stupid phone the batt went flat. stupid right. anyway after that xinyu called. thank god okay. (: yeah then we went on the MRT to amk. hahah. the ride was fun we were playing with the pole. yayye hahaha. then we were like lost. hahah. we didnt even pass it. then we had to walk back with xinyu's directory map. lol. dont know what she was thinking, bringing a MAP. cant believe it! ahaha. but it came in useful ahhaha. then we went canteen to sit and eat xinyu's nice potato chips. and i cant believe yanglin's soprano! her voice is damn low lah. she said she didnt need to go for auditions. just go in straight. okay, i thought that firgures. ahhaha. im mean. (: then then. after that ms lim suggested we go bowling. then xinyu, yvonne, sinyee and i decided to go orchard or sth instead. at least that was the plan. till when we were walking to the MRT station and this xinyu ass met her friend, and then she decided to go home with her. arrrrghhhhhhh. then we were like. lets dao her. hahahah. but i dont care, xinyu's still a meano ass! hahaha. so in the end we took taxi back to compass point. and went macs. then we met nisha! nisha is so damn cute k. she's so funnaye. then i just felt like laughing. then yvonne went to get her freaking ear sticks hahhaa. nisha gave some stupid suggestions. hahaha. and after that we went to minitoons. and then we stood outside the shop to stone. lol. hahahhaa. then after that we were standing on the bridge, and nisha was like im going that way. in the end we just stood there. lol. for a few minutes then we were like laughing again. ahahha. then we went home! ahah. yvonne jaywalked back to her house, then sinyee and i went econ minimart. then i bought teenage. cos sinyee flipped to a page with aaron in it! yayye. HAHAHA. right anyway. i dont like what they say about aaron. even though it is true lah. hahahaha. okay. i took 32 minutes to blog! HAHAHAHAH. Friday, August 26, 2005
just came back from canoeing in macritchielike how FUNNY. nora and i were partners (: our direction was like the worst lol. we couldnt turn at all then it was so funny when we started off. we were stuck at the bank there lah. lol :) yah and then we couldnt move. and then there was this narrow channel of water and nora and i were so lousy lah. we couldnt turn properly so we kept going from one bank to the opposite bank. ahahahahh. and then we lined up side by side, and stood up on the boats. that was so freaky lah. oh and and nora and i were trying to steal munch and sylvia's balls. lol ahhaa. and then nora was like rocking from side to side and freaking me out lah. she's so weird she wanted to capsize lol. and at one point when isabelle told her she could jump off she was reallly preparing to jump. omg ahha then i shouted at her not to. lol. yeah then after that my shoes were all wet and muddy. and i cant believe it okay. how can a reservoir be so muddy and murky? yucksss yayyee and joella shared her kitKATS! okay. shall do homework now. oh. i dont even know how to do the first question. shall get them all wrong then. yayee. Thursday, August 25, 2005
shit lah i screwed up my chinese test.my CA3 is going to suck. oh no oh no. i already have a C for science. so.. if i get a C for my chinese.. then i'll have 2 Cs! and then i'll commit suicide. i'll DIE! hell lahhhhhhhhhhh Tuesday, August 23, 2005
YES YES went for in-line skating yesterday.skating's damn fun lah. but then the people in charge were like bian tai. they were like asking us to squat like toilet like that. i bet they ah, take the opportunity to eat our tofu. hahahhaa. yup anyway i think the advanced people were like more fun. like like reshma and munching. they got to skate around the track and do the long thing. and then i was stuck over at the beginners side and all we did was to skate to the cone or whatever. YUCKS. but yaye i know how to skate now. though abit unbalanced lahh :) and hockey was fun too. my team is good. (: and i must name it cos i feel so proud of it. ahahahhaa. okayokay melissa's the leader. and yingmin, jingyi, joella, sonia and i are in it. yaye. today was stupid cos of the sec fours lah. they were having prelims and then the staircases in our block were like out of bounds so we had to go all the way over to the pblock. and it's so INCONVENIENT and LONG. aileen and i took like 15 mins of our recess to get from the computer lab back to our class, and to the canteen again. wah lao. and and science lesson was stupid too. cos we didnt know if science lesson was in class or lab so we stayed in class and some people went to check but they didnt come back and then 5 mins before the lesson ended we finally knew they were having lesson with mr. hong. and mr. hong didnt want them to tell us cos we were late or sth. so we were like running all the way to the science lab and then already lesson ended. STUPID RIGHT. we were pretty irritated and pissed lah. and i havent decided whether i'll give him a present for teacher' day. hahhahaahh. he doesnt even know my name okay. so should i? :) Thursday, August 18, 2005
yo..just visited the doctor for my flu and sore throat. then the doctor give me the lozenges it tastes like the blackcurrant sweet but i cant remember the name. but i remember it's cheap! aiyo eh. waste my medicine money. oh ya then ah. yanglin's friend is really stupid added me on msn for no reason. today we had home econs. i hate dong. she's so stupid and stingy. i dont think im giving her any teacher's day present. or maybe get her one from one dollar value shop. hahaha. so anyway we made apple strudel today. i hate custard. i shouldnt have added it. she wouldnt have known anyway. walao so dumb. then there was this freaking housefly flying around. then it landed on one of my apple strudel. oh man.. wellll. i think huimin and i are quite efficient. hahaha. hope huimin reads this. (: jazreen just said im lame! on msn. nevermind. Tuesday, August 16, 2005
oh YES my com and internet's fixed finally..heeeee great. anyway dong was being an absolute ass today. she kept blaming liqin for not receiving the poster. i bet she herself misplaced it. then everyone was so pissed with her and isabelle and joella nearly argued with her. hahaha. and she failed some of our cme projects hahah. anyway it's just CME. anyway.. last monday went to watch bewitched with sinyee and yanglin. its so funny. oh my god, where is my dog. hahahaahah. but at first sinyee and i went marina, but yanglin couldnt reach in time so we went plaza sing, and then there was a long long queue all the way to the arcades, and so we went lido. at first we wanted to watch island or charlie but they were all sold out so we got first row seats for bewitched. that's so sad. after that we went kovan then decided to take taxi home hhahah. so ridiculous. yepp then i almost forgot to pay the taxi driver. lol. ohhhh chinese lesson was so interesting today. so funny ahaha. eh nth to update about. k see ya. (; Friday, August 05, 2005
ahah went for the shan you streetsale.boo :) i'm so tired now.. i can barely stand, thanks to the fact that i just stood for 5 hours straight. my feet is sore and my shoulders are aching ever so badly. eeks. the only comfort right now is that nat. day hols are nxt week. ahah and i think im going out on mon and tues. (: yay. okay anyway. street sale is okay lah. i have two pink badges now. ahhaha. one was free of charge. i bought the other for myself. ahahah. and charlene was so nice, she bought one from me before the thing even started. (: and then me and michelle were standing nxt to some stall that had music on. (: and then some american was dancing along to rock dj. haha so weird. okay we managed to sell all by 4 sth. sad to say, we werent the fastest. haha. then we went to deposit the money, and went 7-11 to get wonderful wonderful drinks. ahaha. and then the stupid slurpee overflowed so i had to clean up the mess. ahahah. actually the shopkeeper didnt ask me to, but aiya. haha (: had oral presentation today too. i hate orals. i never ever score for it. i know that's so sad. i think badminton is getting funner and funner. yesterday we threw shuttlecocks at tessa. hahah. and she was pushing me, yy and cecilia on this board with wheels in the storeroom. ahaha. she was pushing 100 over kg okay. LOL. so funny. and then me and cecilia were playing a game and yy was trying to catch the shuttlecock in the box. hahaha. I don't wanna rock, DJ But you're making me feel so nice When's it gonna stop, DJ? Cos your keeping me up all night Tuesday, August 02, 2005
BOOi think im gonna fail science! i have many many many questions wrong. shit lahh. HOW??? |